Diane Ravitch Responds to Putinist Trolls

Please read this moving piece by my candidate for Greatest Living American, Diane Ravitch. As she so often does, she nails this. Dr. Ravitch writes:

As regular readers know, I have received and posted several comments complaining that I don’t write posts showing “both sides” or “different sides” on Ukraine. They disapprove of my support for Ukraine and my criticism of Putin.

In some cases, the commenters have included links to articles or videos claiming that Putin had no choice but to invade Ukraine because…he felt encircled by NATO, or he needed to protect Russians in Ukraine, or Ukraine is overrun by Nazis, or some policy analyst warned that NATO’s expansion would provoke Putin. Other commenters claim that I should not post anything sympathetic to Ukraine unless I post equally sympathetic commentaries about places where the U.S. brutalized the local population or where other nations are suffering.

Let me explain. This is my blog. It is not CNN, FOX, MSNBC, or a network station. The articles I post are my choice.

My choice is to demand that Putin stop the war that he launched against Ukraine. Stop the killing of Ukrainians and Russians. Stop the targeting of civilians. Stop the bombing of civilian shelters and hospitals and evacuation routes.

I oppose this unprovoked war. Those who excuse and rationalize it are, wittingly or unwittingly, supporting the war. And they are supporting Putin. One comment, which I chose not to publish, claimed that the war was “provoked” by Ukraine. Rubbish. Another said that Ukraine is run by Nazis. Rubbish. Another said the war was created by Russophobes. More rubbish. NATO accepted ex-Soviet satellite nations because they asked to be admitted. NATO didn’t pressure them to apply. They wanted protection from Russia. Ukraine requested membership in NATO but the request was tabled, probably to avoid antagonizing Putin.

The nations of the world should have the right to choose their own government and not to be ruled by a puppet regime. Russia took a sharp turn away from democracy when Boris Yeltsin chose him as his successor. He has a long history of killing or imprisoning his critics and competitors. Now he has none, and he engineered passage of a law that keeps him in power until 2036. That’s almost half a century of one man rule. The usual words for such regimes are “dictatorship,” “authoritarian,” “totalitarian.”

For thirty years, the West has encouraged ties with Russia. The goal of the West was to integrate Russia into the global economy and promote healthy relations between Russia and the West. By his invasion of Ukraine, Putin severed the past thirty years of steady efforts to build ties with the West and to turn Russia into a normal nation that does not threaten its neighbors or threaten the world with nuclear war.

I will not post defenses of Putin. If you want to defend his actions, write a letter to the New York Times or the Washington Post. Or follow the tweets of Marjorie Taylor Green, Madison Cawthorne, and the other members of the GOP’s Putin caucus.

One man surrounded the borders of Ukraine with nearly 200,000 troops. One man lied and said he had “no intention” of invading Ukraine. One man ordered the troops and jets and warships to attack Ukraine. One man gave the order to reduce Ukrainian cities to rubble and trap civilians who had no water, no heat, no food.


In my view, he is a megalomaniac, an imperialist, a man without a heart or a soul. He is Stalin reborn.

I will no longer post comments defending Putin’s cruel and unprovoked war. I will no longer give space to those who say he was afraid of being “encircled” by NATO. This gives him permission to invade Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia, even Poland and Hungary.

I have no obligation to post “both sides.” I don’t post both sides of the campaign to privatize public schools. I don’t post both sides on issues of racism or book banning or other issues that, in my view, are clear cut.

We can debate lots of issues. But I will no longer tolerate defenses of Putin and his war of choice. Please don’t waste your time or mine by posting comments justifying Putin’s war. I will delete them, and you will go into moderation where I can delete them before they appear.

About Bob Shepherd

interests: curriculum design, educational technology, learning, linguistics, hermeneutics, rhetoric, philosophy (Continental philosophy, Existentialism, metaphysics, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, epistemology, ethics), classical and jazz guitar, poetry, the short story, archaeology and cultural anthropology, history of religion, prehistory, veganism, sustainability, Anglo-Saxon literature and language, systems for emergent quality control, heuristics for innovation
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110 Responses to Diane Ravitch Responds to Putinist Trolls

  1. jilldennison says:

    BRAVO!!!! Very well-said! I am the same … my blog is MY blog and my opinions are my own, opinions which I am entitled to. If anybody doesn’t like it, they are welcome to simply stop reading my blog. Hats off to Diane Ravitch!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bob Shepherd says:

      Love your website, Jill!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • jilldennison says:

        Thank you very much, Bob!!!


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        thank you for such entertaining and beautifully written, insightful, funny work!

        Liked by 1 person

      • jilldennison says:

        Humour is tough these days, but we all need to laugh now and then, right? I’m glad you enjoy my work!

        Liked by 1 person

      • manicmikey says:

        Bob please let Ravitch know that FIVE new charter schools have been approved for New Yawk City…so-called experts, bureaucrats, educators, technocrats, socialists, globalists et al just can’t stop parents who have seen charter schools outperform the public schools so they keep up the pressure and demand them…AND…a lot of those parents are the liberals’ favorites…people of color!

        AND (from the illustrious NY Post):

        Four Manhattan middle schools in one of the Big Apple’s wealthiest districts are bringing back screened admissions, just three years after former Mayor Bill de Blasio axed the requirements arguing they fueled segregation in public education.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Of course, the fact is that charters do not have higher test scores than do public schools. If you bothered to do any actual research, you would know that. But that would get in the way with your disinformation blogging, wouldn’t it?


      • manicmikey says:

        I don’t have any kids…I just read these articles, and parents seem to want these things…why?


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Public schools take everyone, but the moment some overprotective, entitled POS parent decides that little johnny, who is SOOOOO perfect, is not responsible for getting suspended or failing, he or she pulls the kid and looks for a charter school.


    • ragnarsbhut says:

      Jill Dennison, as far as I can tell, Diane Ravitch is a disinformed political hack who believes “the science,” i.e. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a man who funded the research in Wuhan, China and directly led to the creation of this so-called pandemic instead of people who follow legitimate medical science. Dr. Rashid Buttar, at least while he was among the living, Vladimir Zelenko, while he was also among the living, Dr. Judy Mikovits, a former employee of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Robert W. Malone, the inventor of the MRNA technology, Dr. Peter A. McCullough, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Joseph Ladapo and Dr. Jane Ruby are my preferred sources. As far as I can tell, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Rochelle Walensky and Dr. Deborah Birx are all pathological liars.

      Liked by 1 person

    • ragnarsbhut says:

      Jill Dennison, Diane Ravitch is a blowhard who cannot have a rational conversation about anything. The Covid, if that is actually real, so-called vaccine has caused all sorts of hell for a lot of people.


    • manicmikey says:

      Hey Jill you only love your website when EVERYONE agrees with your opinions. Why do you keep deleting my diverse opinions that simply point out liberal hypocrisy?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. ragnarsbhut says:

    Jill Denniso, I am of the humble opinion that Diane Ravitch is a colossal crackpot to such an extreme where even she makes Alex Jones seem sane.


  3. ragnarsbhut says:

    Jill Dennison, I am of the humble opinion that Diane Ravitch is a colossal crackpot to such an extreme where even she makes Alex Jones seem sane.

    Bob Shepard, in all attempts I have tried to engage in with Diane Ravitch, she asked for civility and yet took offense in every response she made to some of my comments.

    Liked by 1 person

    • manicmikey says:

      Ravitch is a thin skinned bureaucrat, she’s liberal to the core, and she absolutely loves big government anything (it’s rewarded her quite well over the decades). She will fiercely fight against charter schools and school vouchers, even when parents favor one or both. Like most “progressives”, she knows what’s best for your kids, not you!

      Liked by 1 person

      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Manic Mikey, Diane Ravitch has attacked people who have objections to the Covid so-called vaccines as being anti-vaxxers. She has claimed that reports of adverse events are misinformation and disinformation.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bob Shepherd says:

        So, the whole hot chili pepper thing is part of some sort of Machismo trip, right? As is the glorification of an imagined Nordic super race (the Ragnar stuff), I’m guessing. You might be interested in the new genetic studies of Viking remains that show that this was a mongrel group, like other human groups, of extremely mixed racial heritage. LOL. There’s your Aryan mythology for you. And the anti-vaxxers are just another group of Don’t Look Up science deniers, like the ones who imagine that there is no such thing as global warming or that the Earth is flat or that the moon landing took place on a sound stage and was directed by Stanley Kubrick. Idiots. And dangerous idiots because people, mostly elderly people, die because of the moronic anti-vaxx pseudoscience.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Bob Shepherd, here is a video for you: https://www.brighteon.com/f643f9ba-488f-4996-b687-1c0743195321 One nurse in testimony indicated that most Covid-positive patients are fully vaccinated. I hope you won’t take offense to my believing that nurses and MDs who report that Covid-positive patients who are in their care are largely among the vaccinated instead of people who claim that unvaccinated people who have taken proper precautions and isolated themselves are responsiible for the persistence of this so-called pandemic.


  4. ragnarsbhut says:

    Bob Shepherd, I will defer to the medical expertise of Dr. Jane Ruby from Florida, Dr. Robert W. Malone, the inventor of the MRNA technology, Dr. Rashid Buttar, at least while he was among the living, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, at least while he was among the living, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Pierre Kory. They are all more reliable than Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, Janet Woodcock, Peter Marks and Dr. Rochelle Walensky.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bob Shepherd says:

      HAAAAAA!!! You should add Homer Simpson and Zarac of Alpha Draconis to your list! Medical expertise. OMG.

      You have no notion what consensus science is about or means.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Bob Shepherd, whatever you say, good sir.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        How is that video relevant, good sir?


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        You said, “Whatever you say, good sir.” and I answered, “GDamn right.” It was a joke.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Bob Shepherd, I was being a smart-ass with the whatever you say part. The good sir part was the implied courtesy.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        I know you were. That’s why I turned it on you. Obviously.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        btw, how’s the hot sauce coming? Any developments? (to change to a subject we can agree on, lol)


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        I am still finding more to review. On my introductory post, I will take suggestions for peppers, hot sauces or a good recipe.


      • manicmikey says:

        Hey Bob I see Lloyd Lofthouse also doesn’t believe CRT exists in K-12 school curriculums (remember how long it took for me to get you to admit it did)…do all liberals drink the same kool-aid?


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Don’t be idiotic. CRT was an obscure legal theory proposed by law professor Dereck Bell, who claimed that the legal framework post Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka has not been successful in eliminating racism because racism is system in our system. For example, blacks are much more likely to be arrested for a crime and tried for it and much more likely to be convicted and if convicted get much longer sentences than do whites who have done EXACTLY THE SAME THING. That’s systemic racism.

        And because this was an obscure legal theory sometimes taught in law school, there were maybe three teachers in all of the United States who had ever heard of it UNTIL conservative flame-thrower Chris Rufo decided to PRETEND that it was an issue to stir up the idiot base. And you guys took the hook, didn’t you? You are so easily manipulated by these authoritarian liars at the top of the Greying Old Party, the GOP.


      • manicmikey says:

        Bob it’s in one of your old blogs…we’ve been thru this…as I recall, even the National Education Association admitted the existence of CRT.
        CRT = Creating Racial Tension


      • manicmikey says:

        That’s not the one where we went back and forth on CRT…unlike Ragnar’s Butt, I’m shallow, surficial, and undisciplined. CRT is real and everyone knows it…why else would it be a contentious subject at numerous school boards? You don’t argue about getting rid of something that doesn’t exist. And just look at CRT, and its evil twin, DEI. It’s all a grand scheme to make working class whites feel guilty for no reason.
        From other sites and articles, I’m starting to agree with the premise that liberalism is a new religion…libs hold fast to their beliefs even when presented with damning evidence to the contrary. A pefect example is that lying Mayorkas saying, with a straight face, “the border is under control”, while video of thousands of people crossing, day after day, played in the background. There are so many coming across in San Diego County they’ve dropped off, last I checked, about 13,000 of them at a nearby trolley station because the Border Patrol was “overwhelmed.”
        Do you see? We don’t really want Trump, we know he’s kind of “off the rails” but the horrible alternative is more immigrants, more crime, more CRT and DEI, more gender insanity, more $6/gallon gas (California), more madness.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        It is a contentious subject a school boards because rightwing media riled up parents about freaking NOTHING.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Yes, now that CONSERVATIVES introduced this subject into the K-12 education discussion, I agree, we should EMBRACE CRT, for the fact is that systemic racism is ubiquitous in the United States. It is BUILT IN, INHERENT TO our systems. Consider, for example, that federal and state housing policy for almost all of the 20th century did redlining, putting blacks into ghettos and making it extremely difficult for them to qualify for mortgages. So, the PRIMARY MEANS by which generational wealth is gained in the US was denied them. Or consider the fact that black areas of our country are food deserts. Or that studies show that doctors and nurses take much less seriously black patients presenting with IDENTICAL SYMPTOMS as their white patients.

        Racism BUILT INTO THE SYSTEMS. Systemic racism. That’s what is real. And now that CONSERVATIVES have introduced this into the K-12 education discussion, we emphatically should embrace it. Why? Because systemic racism is a reality.

        A black friend tells me that he has spent a lifetime having white people cross to the other side of the street to avoid having to walk past them, or having clerks follow him around in stores to make sure he isn’t shoplifting.

        Systemic racism.


      • manicmikey says:

        And yet, as Candace Owens (don’t scream) points out, black people who have moved here from Africa in recent decades do very well, far better than most American born blacks, and in many cases better than many American born whites. If there were systemic racism, how could they possibly succeed? Wouldn’t everyone and every system go out of their way to keep that Nigerian, or Kenyan, etc. down?
        Systemic racism does exist, but it’s usually directed at whites. Blacks can, will, and have often played the race card to defend their own poor behavior and job performance, and demand positions they don’t deserve.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        it’s usually directed at whites

        OMG. ROFLMSAO!!!! The “S” is for “sweet,” btw.


      • manicmikey says:

        I’ve lived it, Bob. Very bad experience at my low level supervisory civil service position in local government. It took awhile, I was of course exonerated, and my main accuser spent one year in prison for identity theft. The “system” wanted to believe her false accusations, and because of a weak white male deputy director and a hate filled black female admin analyst, continued to pursue me AFTER an EEOC investigation by a hispanic male cleared me. My white male supervisor couldn’t believe what they put me through. BTW, over the years I’ve also reported to white & hispanic female supervisors, and a black male supervisor.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Really sorry you went through that, Mike. Sounds like holy hell.


      • manicmikey says:

        Thanks…it was at the time.
        Retired now, so it’s all in the rear view mirror.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Uncle Tomery pays very, very well. Just ask, for example, Clarence “Get Your Just Us Here, Cheap” Thomas.


      • manicmikey says:

        The old PM of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, knew how to deal with “anti-vaxx pseudoscience” — she actually said this, after directing her citizenry to go to the equivalent of our CDC and HHS websites, sorry don’t have a date, it was sometime during COVID:

        “…we will continue to be your single source of truth…otherwise, dismiss anything else.”

        “…when you see those messages, remember, unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth.”

        She is no longer inflicting herself on New Zealand…she got a gig at Harvard.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        There’s a reason why this brilliant, compassionate woman kept winning landslide victories. Would that we had her like instead of the scum bucket Repugnicans here who are willing to flush the country and the world down the drain with the clown show of nongovernance that they are currently running.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        As a former Bush administration official recently put it, the current Republican Party is a bunch of monkeys getting amorous with a football.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Donnie Trump Fifth Dementia-n

        I woke up this morning with the law courts lookin’ in.
        There’s classified stuff in the toilets that I hid it in.
        I’ve broken every law that they got on the books
        Now I’m saying to my base that the judges are the crooks.
        Better call my attorneys to see what condition my condition is in.

        Vladimir’s soul is a deep dark hole, and I followed it in.
        Traitorous conspiracy and worse I have been wallowin’ in.
        I’m in so deep, no exit can I find,
        and it’s been many years since I first broke my mind.
        Better call my attorneys to see what condition my condition is in.

        Yeah, yeah, oh yeah. What condition my sedition is in.

        Put my name up in letters in gold every place I could find.
        I feel so small, so they’re a hundred feet tall, those Trump Tower signs.
        Legal fees mounting up and I got no dough.
        It pleases me that Guilani’s worse off, though.
        Better call my attorneys to see what condition my condition is in.

        They’ve stopped taking my calls till I pay them. Well, ain’t it a sin?
        I will pardon myself when I beat Joe Biden all over again.

        Liked by 1 person

    • manicmikey says:

      This is the video that applies to most liberal/progressives:


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        It’s hilarious how often nutcases talk about their “truths.”

        PUTIN’S DOG, DONALD: So, what should I call the new social media platform?

        VLADIMIR THE RUNTY: Well, in the old Soviet days, we called the propaganda instrument Pravda.

        DONALD: OK. So, Pravda. That’s a good name I guess.

        VLADIMIR: No, no, Donald. Pravda means “Truth” in Russian.

        DONALD: You want me to call it “Truth in Russian”? OK, I guess.

        VLADIMIR: Donald, OK. Let me try to explain this to you.


  5. ragnarsbhut says:

    Manic Mikey, Lloyd Lofthouse referred to me as Ragnar’s Butt more than once with no provocation on my part. Are you and he related by chance?

    Bob Shepherd, who your friends are is really none of my concern, nor do I actually care. I just find it to be rather absurd that people like Diane Ravitch are insisting on civility with comments and yet blatantly attacks people and throws one insult after another when disagreements are expressed.

    Jill Dennison, the USA should stay out of the business of other countries.


    • manicmikey says:

      No, not related to Lloyd…he blocked me, says I’m a troll. Thought your name might have something to do with Harry Potter or the Hobbit or something like that, actually I only called you Ragnar’s Butt only because I’m prone to immaturity sometimes…looked it up, found Bhut Jolokia Chocolate…who knew?


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        What a surprise. Lloyd Lofthouse has not blocked any of my comments so far. I have found him to be more reasonable with some of his comments on things than Diane Ravitch.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Just made my first hotsauce with ghost pepper, pequins, and habaneros. Also used some chipotles and Marzano tomatoes. Not insanely spicey–mere mortals can eat it. But very, very delicious. I like to add freshly ground cumin and coriander seed. My son said, on tasting this, “You know the acid blood in the movie Alien? It’s like that.” LOL.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Bob Shepherd, one hot sauce I have had many times is named Mongoose hot sauce, a sauce I have also reviewed. That stuff is brutal. Very tasty and yet unrelentingly hot.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Mongoose. Love it!


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        That stuff tastes good, however, be sure to have a good amount of food first.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Comments on this recipe I put together, Ragnar?

        Voodoo Child Salsa | Bob Shepherd

        Despite being made with really hot peppers, this salsa is consumable by mortals. It’s on the hot side, but it’s not insane because it is diluted by other ingredients. It has a delicious smoky and fruity flavor, quite complex and interesting, and just enough bite for you to know you’ve been bitten.

        2 dried ghost peppers
        5 dried pequin peppers
        2 dried habanero peppers
        4 ounces canned chipotle peppers
        1 28 oz can whole Cento, Ciao, Delallo or other DOP certified San Marzano tomatoes
        1 heaping tablespoon chicken bullion
        1 teaspoon ground coriander
        1 teaspoon ground cumin
        Chopped cilantro
        2 Tablespoons brown sugar, palm sugar, or jaggery
        2 Tablespoons white vinegar
        Juice of ½ lime
        Salt to taste (I prefer Diamond Crystal for this)
        1 teaspoon xanthan gum (stabilizer and emulsifier)
        1 Tablespoon olive Oil (mixer for the xanthan powder)
        2 teaspoons garlic powder
        ½ a bunch of green onion, chopped

        Heat the dried peppers in a dry pan, no oil, on both sides. If you are very sensitive to hot peppers, wear gloves and a mask for this.
        Soak the dried, heated peppers in half a coffee cup of HOT water for about an hour and a half.
        Mix 1 teaspoon Xanthan gum with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Mix well, until dissolved.
        Combine everything in a blender.


      • ragnarsbhut says:



      • Bob Shepherd says:

        I see that there is already a Voodoo Child hot sauce company. Too bad. Perhaps I’ll come up with another name. I have a sealed bag full of SMOKED jalapeños, sweet peppers, and habaneros fermenting. Looking forward to turning those into something delicious.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Do you use green or red jalapeno peppers? Both?


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        I have trouble sourcing red jalapenos here, unfortunately, though I am still looking. So green. I really want the reds to make my own chipotles.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Bob Shepherd, here is a website for you: https://www.superhotchiles.com/product-category/seeds/chile-pepper-seeds/?v=7516fd43adaa There are a wide range of pepper seeds here, from sweet to ultra hot.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Thanks for this, Ragnar!


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Thanks for all the great info, ragnar! And your site is awesome.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        They have tame to extreme sauces.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        That’s awesome. I will check them out!!!


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        I hope you find some that appeal to you. A piece of advice: Don’t take the super hot stuff on an empty stomach.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Thanks for the warning!


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Bob Shepherd, I use the sauce directly on food, however, I have a regimen for how I go about it. Assuming it is something super spicy, I have a combination of dairy, e.g. cheese, protein and carbohydrates. Cheese mitigates some of the burn, however, my regimen has really helped me.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        So, do you grow your own from seed? And if you do, do you use grow lights, a heating mat, and a humidity dome? And what mixtures do you recommend for the seed starting soil and for the planting soil once the seedlings are ready? I’ve decided I want to get into this growing my own.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Bob Shepherd, as to your first question, the answer is yes. Next question, we use grow lights in winter, as well as a heating mat. Regular soil should work and if you have a raised bed, a combination of plant food and coffee grounds, assuming you drink coffee, should help.


      • Bob Shepherd says:

        I don’t know if you have tried smoking peppers and then fermenting them. My worry was that the high heat in the grill that I was smoking them in (over cherry wood) would kill the good bacteria used for the ferment. So, I smoked the habaneros and jalapenos but simply put the sweet peppers into the sealed fermenting bag raw. Any comments or advice about that?


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Bob Shepherd, I would only suggest that you use them while fresh. Other than that, use whatever ingredients seem natural for your recipes.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bob Shepherd says:

        Yeah, I use fresh in my ferments. But I don’t know the effect of the smoking on the fermenting them. I guess I’ll find out. Two weeks in, and my bag is a LITTLE puffy (from release of CO2) but not very. So, maybe the smoking does inhibit fermentation a bit.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        If you have any suggestions for items that you want to see reviewed, drop by my blog and put that in the introductory post.


    • Bob Shepherd says:

      I have encouraged Diane to allow opposing views in the comments on her site. She draws a line at personal attacks on herself and another at hate speech.


      • ragnarsbhut says:

        Bob Shepherd, she had accused me of spouting nonsense and misinformation when I mentioned hearing reports from people in their own words stories of adverse reactions to the Covid so-called vaccines. She mentioned getting Covid despite being vaccinated, something that only validates the sentiments of the people being sneered at and mocked as anti-vaccine.


  6. ragnarsbhut says:

    Bob Shepherd, regarding the hot peppers and hot sauces I have reviewed, I like them all. I even reviewed a few spicy coffees. The Mongoose hot sauce tastes good, however, it has a violent up front and lingering burn. It is a very thick sauce, so a significant amount comes immediately. If you ever want to try that hot sauce, start with a toothpick or a tea spoon amount. Have a good amount of food to go along with it.

    Liked by 1 person

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